Holy Women Holy Men Celebrating the Saints Church Publishing 9780898696370 Books

Holy Women Holy Men Celebrating the Saints Church Publishing 9780898696370 Books
The Kindle version is useless. There is no table of contents and saints' listings do not include dates. There is no calendar listing where you can click on the saint and be taken to her(his) listing. This makes it absolutely useless to me. I have to scroll through the entire book to find what I want, or else guess what location they are on! I can't believe Church Publishing did such a poor job on this. I've used Lesser Feasts and Fasts for decades and have a PDF version on my Kindle that is great. HWHM pales in comparison. I am pretty mad that I just lost $18.00 on this. If there was a way to get my money back I would sure try.Count me very disappointed....

Tags : Holy Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Saints [Church Publishing] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Fully revised and expanded, this new work is the first major revision of the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church in more than 40 years! <br /> <br /> It is the official revision of Lesser Feasts and Fasts and authorized by the 2009 General Convention. All commemorations in Lesser Feasts and Fasts have been retained,Church Publishing,Holy Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Saints,CHURCH PUBLISHING INC,0898696372,Christian saints - English,Christian saints;Prayers and devotions;English.,Episcopal Church - Liturgy,Fasts and feasts - Episcopal Church,Fasts and feasts;Episcopal Church.,Propers (Liturgy),Propers (Liturgy);Texts.,Christianity,Religion & Spirituality,Calendar,Christian liturgy, prayerbooks & hymnals,Christianity - Episcopalian,Episcopal Church,Liturgy,Religion,Religion - Church History,Religion Christianity Episcopalian
Holy Women Holy Men Celebrating the Saints Church Publishing 9780898696370 Books Reviews
Although this is still in the approval process by the Episcopal Church, USA, it is a wonderful resource for those of us who are involved in a worshiping congregation and who use this kind of information often. It is also valuable for directing personal prayer and for meditation on the lives and minstries of Christians who have gone before us and whose lives can be an encouragement to anyone living in today's difficult world.
This is a book that tries to pack perhaps too much into one volume, but it does make it easier to use, especially in daily prayer and for augmenting a congregational worship service. There is just enough information about each of the individuals to get a sense of their place in church history, as well as the collect for their specific day in the church calendar. I would like to have more than just a page of historic information, but it makes it easy to fit the reading of it in my personal daily devotions without distracting from the overall process and/or adding so much time to the service that I lose focus on the worship of God that is the purpose of being in prayer.
I gave this item 3 stars because it is really a worship supplement. While the book provides excellent information about the "Saint of the day" and the appropriate collect, I find it a bit cumbersome to use in daily prayer especially with all of the ditigal formats available which compile all of the info for you. If you enjoy flipping pages, very Anglican, for daily prayer you will enjoy this. I was intially going to retun the book because I didn't think it would be that useful however I have decided to keep it. I wish it would be called "Celebrating the saints - A WORSHIP RESOURCE". So , all in all great info but in my opinon not neceissarily for home use.
I can honestly say, in my daily prayers, this book sure does come in handy! I use this book in my morning prayers. I'll read the biography of the "saint" for the day, then start on page 80 for Rite II of the Morning Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). After the Lord's prayer and the sufferages, I will read the collect of the saint in this book, then read the collect for the day (or week) from the BCP and continue on. This method has really enriched my prayer life and devotional work on a daily basis! It is interesting to see so many "saints" that were Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, even Southern Baptist (Martin Luther King Jr. April 4) as well from the Episcopalian/Anglican tradition. It reminds me not to be so "sectarian," but that saints throughout the 2000 year history of the church reached out to a hurting world and made it better somehow. The prayers themselves are directed to God but ever reminding us of the examples these folks did to bring God's Love to a world so desperately in need of it.
This book, "Holy Women, Holy Men" (HWHM) is durable and will last a long time. Even though it is not a hardcover, or leather bound, from the first few pages, the book will lay down flat, thus one could lay the book down and not have the book fold back on itself. This is a good thing, because for these prayers, I have the BCP, the Bible (for the readings from the Daily Offices and this book, which also has the lectionaries, list of Scriptural readings for the day.
Overall, I am real pleased with the book and will be using it daily for years to come! Thank you.
The kindle version lacks info such as the dates for each feast celebration- essentially making the resource useless in a church environment as I need to use the paper copy to look up a holy woman or man by date. The lack of the date info makes this resource unhelpful.
I have also been extremely disappointed by the publisher's lack of response to my query when I wrote and called them, several times, to discuss this issue.
I will be using this resources from other sources- and this is available in PDF form for free from other sources. What's more, others who have looked at this resource on my kindle have elected to not buy it because it is incomplete.
CPG really needs to start responding to its customers.
I purchased my version of Holy Women, Holy Men while at a Standing Committee meeting, just prior to our worship that was going to use the lessons and biographical sketch for May 20 (Alcuin, Deacon and Abbot of Tours). I couldn't believe it when I opened my downloaded copy and couldn't readily go to the page for Alcuin! The whole concept of this book is to have materials on hand for specific days of the year - and yet the date for each saint (which shows in the bottom corner of each written page) is missing!
To find the correct date one must first page through the calendar in the front of the book to find who the particular saint for that day is,then guess as to how far into the book that date falls, and hunt. Granted, if one uses the book most every day the current date should be close at hand, but why not at least a working "go to" option for each month on the calendar at the front? Or better yet why not a working "go to" option to get to a specific date? Can't be done right now because they left all the dates out of the text!
If I could return this ebook to and get my money back I would do so in a heartbeat. But I see no option to do so - nor do I see an option for registering a complaint other than in my review.
The version is useless. There is no table of contents and saints' listings do not include dates. There is no calendar listing where you can click on the saint and be taken to her(his) listing. This makes it absolutely useless to me. I have to scroll through the entire book to find what I want, or else guess what location they are on! I can't believe Church Publishing did such a poor job on this. I've used Lesser Feasts and Fasts for decades and have a PDF version on my that is great. HWHM pales in comparison. I am pretty mad that I just lost $18.00 on this. If there was a way to get my money back I would sure try.
Count me very disappointed....

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