Serial Volume Two edition by Jaden Wilkes Lily White Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Serial Volume Two edition by Jaden Wilkes Lily White Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
Jude, a.k.a the Cascades Killer, continues to evade the FBI despite Agent Blake's best efforts. He has finally met 'the one'. The girl who has him feeling something other than lust. He's falling in love with her, but he's never felt like this for anyone before.Some people would assume that his newfound love would cease his killing streak, but they couldn't be more mistaken. He's desperately trying to rein in his emotions. He loves Ronnie (a.k.a Pet). He wants to make her happy, to care for her, and make her feel loved, but he also wants to kill her.
Jude believes that by killing someone he is able to immortalize their beauty forever. He saves them from growing old and ill. He wants to immortalize Pet, but he loves her too much to lose control. Therefore, the women roaming the streets of the Northwest are in danger.
Ronnie is being held in a room where she has no contact with the outside world. Jude is the only person she is allowed to socialize with. She likes Jude. He's her savior. Her hero. But Ronnie can't help but have an inkling that something just isn't right about him... It seems unfair to him that she should doubt him. He clothes her, he feeds her, and protects her so she should trust him. Right?
Agent Blake believed he had begun to understand CK, but a sudden increase in killings has him wondering what could have caused such a drastic change in the serial killer's MO.
He isn't worried though, because his equally brilliant mind sees this as his chance to finally catch the elusive murderer...
This story just keeps getting better and better! We get to see a closer look into the lives of Jude, Ronnie and Agent Blake. If you're anything like me you will find yourself caught between loving and hating this imperfect trio.
Jude's crimes begin to increase in quantity and in violence. His emotions may be getting the best of him, but he hasn't lost complete control yet. He still keeps his wits about him and is intent on avoiding capture.
I basically inhaled this addition to the series. I was so enraptured by this brilliant yet twisted book that my eyes were glued to the screen from beginning to end. I want so badly to go into more detail, but I'd rather not ruin anything for you. I highly recommend giving this series a try!

Tags : Serial: Volume Two - Kindle edition by Jaden Wilkes, Lily White. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Serial: Volume Two.,ebook,Jaden Wilkes, Lily White,Serial: Volume Two,Fiction Crime,Fiction Thrillers Crime
Serial Volume Two edition by Jaden Wilkes Lily White Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
OK. It's dark (the cover should be a good clue to that) and it's a romance. I like those things. Yeah, I'm gay, this is straight, but I'm flexible enough in my fiction.
The pacing was good. Got my interest quickly. The authors do a very good job of conveying mindsets. There were some passages that were downright impressive. I'd quote them, but I don't want to give anything away.
The issue I had is that it seemed all the sex between any pairing of characters was of the same flavor - just variance in intensity. There were some really bad plot choices made by some of the characters here - they even admit it at the time - but seem helpless to deviate. The claim is that they are victim to their desires, but I couldn't help but see it was more a helplessness to the author's desire.
The general theme, is she good enough to save him from his evil, was a bit of an eye-roller. But to be honest, having finished this first volume, I have no idea what the authors have determined. It could go either way - and that's a sign of good authorship.
I didn't feel compelled enough to follow through with the series, sorry. But it was a nice change of pace.
Where do I start? I don't know how to feel about this book.
The bad It drives me crazy when writers publish a series where each book is part of the story. Without the whole story, the book is missing key elements, (plot arc.) We have two characters in a sexual relationship and we don't know squat about them. We aren't given an insight into their relationship. It looks like they're just banging to bang. Which makes them feel shallow to me, as a reader.
The good The authors do a GREAT job at getting the reader invested in the main character, Jude, and the love interest, Ronnie. Following a serial killer's innermost thoughts is...creepy. The kind of creepy that made Hannibal famous. The kind of creepy that eats you up and makes you continue to watch even though you're holding a pillow 90% over your eyes.
The great I started off with a 3-star here for the abrupt ending that left me feeling annoyed. But really? I'm going to buy Book 2 so it warrants more than 3 stars. The story is excellent and a 3-star review just doesn't sit well with me. It definitely deserves the 4 stars. I hope the questions are answered in book 2 so I can give a 5-star High Five!
Jaden Wilkes and Lily White...individually these two ladies write some pretty twisted and powerful put them together and you have two devious minds for the price of one =)
I liked this first volume of Serial well enough, not really loved it, because it was a little too short for me to feel a real connection to all the characters just yet, but hopefully they will grow on me as we get deeper.
Ronnie was probably the most fleshed out character and the one I felt the most empathy for (even the slew of murdered hookers didn't get my emotions going) and Jude...well that dude is one you want to hate but I couldn't really...not YET because I think there has to be something else deeper we haven't been told, that might explain why he is the way he is.
I think we were introduced to so many people in this first book that it serves more of an introduction and a taste of things to come.
I really can't wait to see what will happen once "Pet" finds out what's really going on and how long Jude will be able to evade the two FBI/lovers who are hot on his trail (and who themselves have a taste for a bit of kink!).
If you like the dark and sick world of serial killers and what makes them "tick"'ll love this one!
**** 4 **** "sexy, edgy, thrilling" stars
Jude, a.k.a the Cascades Killer, continues to evade the FBI despite Agent Blake's best efforts. He has finally met 'the one'. The girl who has him feeling something other than lust. He's falling in love with her, but he's never felt like this for anyone before.
Some people would assume that his newfound love would cease his killing streak, but they couldn't be more mistaken. He's desperately trying to rein in his emotions. He loves Ronnie (a.k.a Pet). He wants to make her happy, to care for her, and make her feel loved, but he also wants to kill her.
Jude believes that by killing someone he is able to immortalize their beauty forever. He saves them from growing old and ill. He wants to immortalize Pet, but he loves her too much to lose control. Therefore, the women roaming the streets of the Northwest are in danger.
Ronnie is being held in a room where she has no contact with the outside world. Jude is the only person she is allowed to socialize with. She likes Jude. He's her savior. Her hero. But Ronnie can't help but have an inkling that something just isn't right about him... It seems unfair to him that she should doubt him. He clothes her, he feeds her, and protects her so she should trust him. Right?
Agent Blake believed he had begun to understand CK, but a sudden increase in killings has him wondering what could have caused such a drastic change in the serial killer's MO.
He isn't worried though, because his equally brilliant mind sees this as his chance to finally catch the elusive murderer...
This story just keeps getting better and better! We get to see a closer look into the lives of Jude, Ronnie and Agent Blake. If you're anything like me you will find yourself caught between loving and hating this imperfect trio.
Jude's crimes begin to increase in quantity and in violence. His emotions may be getting the best of him, but he hasn't lost complete control yet. He still keeps his wits about him and is intent on avoiding capture.
I basically inhaled this addition to the series. I was so enraptured by this brilliant yet twisted book that my eyes were glued to the screen from beginning to end. I want so badly to go into more detail, but I'd rather not ruin anything for you. I highly recommend giving this series a try!

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